Monday, March 23, 2009

Walkin' the walk, talkin' the talk

Wow, has it really been three weeks since I last blogged? I guess I've been busy keeping up with our on-the-go one-year old! Henry has been a walking, talking little character lately. I've found my experiences with him to also be particularly intense lately. Mostly intense in a good way, sometimes intensely challenging. I think this might also be a reason I haven't written lately. In my non-Henry time, I've needed to take a little breather from my buddy and re-energize for my next time with him.

So, the good news or the bad news first?

Bad news: Henry has started throwing temper tantrums and otherwise asserting his will in loud and unpleasant ways. I understand this is a normal developmental milestone, relating to his growing independence and his frustration at being unable to verbalize his wants and needs. That said, it can be a major pain in the a$! And when I say "it can be a major pain"I mean the tantrum, not Henry. If there was ever a time for me to begin using the instructions I've read/given/heard as a family therapist and a mother, it is now. In this spirit: Henry, I love you, but I'm not so crazy about your behavior right now. How about you just quietly tell me what you want instead of screaming and thrashing? Right.

Moving on...

Good news: Henry is SO much fun lately! The boy is funny, he's smart, he's curious, he's a bundle of energy and quite a little character. Not that I'm biased or anything. Each day has brought new developmental skills and revelations in Henry's personality. Some recent Henry fun facts include:
  • Henry's pretty funny, and he doesn't mind saying so himself! He's been laughing and giggling more than ever lately--often when cracking himself up. Making faces, playing peek-a-boo, throwing things and chasing after mommy are some favorite reasons for laughing.
  • Henry's a speed racer. He's walking quite easily now, occasionally breaking into a near-run. No more crawling for Henry G.
  • Henry has a lot to say. If only he had all the words! He's working on it, though. As commonly happens, I think Brian and I are the only ones who understand him. And really, we often aren't sure what he's trying to say. Henry's working his way forward in the alphabet, starting with the letter B. His favorite words are "balloon," "ball," and "bird." He's also starting saying "duck" and "eyes" (we think). Luckily, his handy pointer finger usually clues us in to what "buh" we're supposed to be looking at/going to/getting for Henry.
  • Henry's creative. In the past two days he's initiated two new games to play with me, totally out of the blue. His first little game involved pushing on the back of my legs to get me to walk forward. I guess he figures his toys move when he pushes on them, why not try it with mommy? Henry found it pretty hysterical when he was successful in his Go Mommy Go game. Secondly, Henry started a new version of peek-a-boo, where he hides behind me, peers around slyly while I pretend not to find him, and giggles like mad. What a fun little boy he is!
Pictures to follow in the next day or two.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday, Henry!

Today is Henry's 1st Birthday! Happy birthday, Henry!

We've had a wonderful few days of celebrations big and small. Today, we had the great treat of a snow day! While I wasn't thrilled with the new 10 inches of snow, I was very excited to have Brian home from work. The three of us enjoyed a quiet day at home, we went for a sled ride down the street, and I cooked a special dinner with Henry's current favorite food, baked sweet potatoes. Yesterday we took Henry to his favorite diner for breakfast. And on Saturday we were joined by friends and family for Henry's first birthday party. It was a joy to see him fulfill his birthday-boy duties; eating his first piece of cake, having fun with his guests, and playing with his new toys. In the picture below, you can see the cake that I made for our birthday boy. The carousel theme was inspired by a gift from my mother. She gave me the pewter, animal-shaped candle holders that circle the inside of Henry's cake, and were used during my own childhood. I can also thank my mother for the gift of creativity that inspired the cake. I fondly remember the fun cakes my mom made for each of our birthdays, among many other projects that reflect her thoughtfulness and creative skills.
Henry's carousel cake was fun to make, an delicious to eat, too!
Before the cake arrived on Henry's tray, he was excited to see it up close. He had watched me assemble the cake the day before, and wanted to get his hands on it right away.
Here we are with the birthday boy.
Henry with his Pops and Nonnie.
And here are a few more cute photos from the past week.