Thursday, August 30, 2007

Oh, the places you'll go

15 weeks into pregnancy, and here I am planning our child's future travel itinerary. Locations where I've travelled, but B hasn't; places we've traveled together; geographies we still hope to explore in the future. 15 weeks. Imagine the plans I'll have devised by the time g-unit makes his or her first real trip into the light of day. Nevermind at 15 months or years. But I suppose this is part of the journey that I've embarked on, as well. Finding a way to balance between dreaming of possibilities for our child and allowing him or her to create them independently. And I'm sure thoughts of travel are just the beginning--there's always those other details like education, career, lifestyle. At the heart of it all, though, I just hope for g-unit to experience all of the opportunities I've been fortunate enough to experience, like travel. And if we get a postcard from Turkey some day 20 years down the road, then that's icing on the cake.

This recent bout of introspection was prompted by our return from a week-long trip to the Pacific Northwest. We were there first and foremost to celebrate the wedding of Elizabeth, my friend, teammate, and roomate from college. The wedding was beautiful, and being in Seattle for the first time was pretty awesome. After the wedding, we drove up to Vancouver, BC. Another awesome city.

Some highlights of g-unit's in utero firsts:
  • Plane ride. Cross-country, no less. He/she is already a trooper.
  • Walk down the aisle. g-unit was more visible than ever, courtesy of an a-line bridesmaid dress with sash that accented his/her growing space requirements.
  • Meeting with the Williams friends. I like to think g-unit was waving right back in response to the hellos and belly pats.
  • Border crossing. Into Canada. Next time we leave the country together a passport for him/her will probably be required.
  • Trip to the casino! If mom and dad can't afford diapers in six months it's because we blew it all on the slot machines. ;)

All in all, it was a wonderful week. We spent a lot of time outdoors, visited with new and old friends, and enjoyed the unending generosity of Elizabeth's family. I'm hoping to post some pictures in the next week or so, stay tuned.

1 comment:

kestrelia said...

My favorite moment was sitting at the movies, thinking, "Wow, our child is with us seeing Superbad ... just in utero."

You forgot to mention your feeling the baby for the first time. :)

B (the husband)