Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Rollover accident

Today the g-unit was involved in an accidental rollover. Not of the vehicular sort, but of the Baby's-First type. Henry was dutifully engaging in his dreaded "tummy time" when I began waving one of his favorite toys in front of him. Little did he know, but I was using this toy to see how much he could follow and pursue the object from this position. And it became clear that he just might be able to roll over if he had enough interest in grabbing his toucan toy. With a little more effort, Henry successfully rolled over onto his side, and then his back! He wasn't too sure why I was so excited, but he sure was happy when I gave him the toucan to chew on. Since this rollover was more accidental than intentional on his part, I wanted to see if he could do a repeat performance. And sure enough, he did! Unfortunately, Henry didn't feel up to more rolling over when his dad came home from work, but I'm sure he'll be doing it more often in the days and weeks to come. Henry's on the move!

1 comment:

sassymom said...

I'll warn his cousins that Henry is on the move. I'm so impressed that you could get him to do it again. Liam first rolled over around the same time (unwitnessed) in his crib. Then, he didn't do it again for weeks.