When I was working as a therapist, one of my clients used to follow nearly every positive recounting of news with the rejoinder, "knock on wood."In many ways, it was as if she couldn't trust or believe in the possibility of continued goodness. For some different reasons, I feel like I now follow every update about Henry's development, particularly his sleep habits, with the qualification of "knock on wood." We're just constantly hoping for a continuation of the good trends. Today is another of those moments, following a big night for us last night. Brace yourselves, dear readers...Henry slept through the night, unassisted. Yes, in his crib with no car seat. Thrilling, yes? We decided to at least attempt the transition, since we hated the thought of the poor kid sleeping in the heat (mid 90s and humid for the past few days) in his car seat. It appeared to have worked for him (knock on wood) since he slept from 8:45 until 4:15, and then went right back to sleep for another chunk of time. I think Henry's also going to have to practice his solo napping abilities in this heat, since the idea of napping together (still his preferred sleeping arrangement) is pretty sticky and uncomfortable. We do have central AC, so if push comes to shove, we can always crank that up, thankfully.
In other Henry news...
He had a very fun visit with his Tierney grandparents last Tuesday, following a showing of "Sex and the City" that he attended with his momma courtesy of the Baby Pictures program at a local cinema. It felt a little funny bringing him to that movie, but how could I miss the opportunity? During the movie as I was making faces at him, I heard Henry laugh for the first time. It was a very cute, but isolated event. That is, until he visited with his grandparents, and Pops solicited an even better laugh. Pops and Nonnie will need to visit again very soon, since Henry hasn't found his parents funny enough to laugh again.
Last week Henry also had his three-month doctor's check-up. All continues to look good for Henry. He's still topping the growth charts, weighing 15 pounds, 7 ounces and measuring 26 inches in length. No wonder my back has been aching!
Here's the big boy himself...
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