Henry's feeling much better now. Phew! And he's decided that not only does he want to grab his toys, but he also wants to grab his toes. Preferably at the same time. While also babbling. And trying to roll (which he's done several more times now!). I guess when everything you do is new and exciting, you don't necessarily want to waste any time doing just one thing. The fascination with his feet is pretty recent, and very cute. When not multitasking with the babbling, rolling, and reaching for other objects, Henry does occasionally enjoy quiet moments of contemplating his toes. He can be a reflective young lad when he's not working on mastering multiple skills.
Yesterday morning, when Henry was just starting to feel better, Brian came into our bedroom around 6 am and reported, "Just so you know, he's wide awake in there and playing with his feet." Silly me, I thought he was still sleeping. But really, I couldn't have been happier to hear that he was awake and entertaining himself. In part because he was awake without screaming, which surely must mean he was feeling better. And also because it's nice thinking that Henry will start waking up in the morning and just babbling or playing on his own without the immediate need for me or Brian.
Henry is also now having fun playing in his Jumperoo, as seen below.
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