When I returned home on Saturday morning, Henry and Brian were looking particularly cute playing on the floor together. Or maybe I just thought they looked even cuter since I'd missed them being away the previous night. You can judge for yourselves...
Infant development being the crazy fast phenomenon that it is, Henry acquired a new skill while I was gone for a mere 15 hours. During that time he rolled over from his back to his belly for the first time. It wasn't long, however, before I was able to catch him in action myself. Well, it wasn't long before I witnessed the evidence, anyhow. When Brian and I briefly left Henry on his play mat to go grab our dinner plates Saturday night Henry he was on his back, and two minutes later when we returned he was contentedly playing on his belly. This was only the beginning. Every time that we look away now Henry manages to maneuver himself somewhere different. Partly via the rolling, partly via some rudimentary creeping (proto-crawling, as Brian calls it). Clearly, we can't leave him alone for long now because he'll manage to find his way to something potentially dangerous. I thought we had some time remaining before he became mobile, but it seems that even though he isn't crawling, Henry needs to be monitored constantly now. He also enjoys standing up, with assistance of course. These events grouped together strike me with fear (and excitement) that we'll be chasing after a little running Henry before we know it. Especially since Henry is already a very determined boy. His creeping/rolling/maneuvering is often driven by the fact that he sees a toy he wants, and then figures out a way to reach it. Brian and I are going to have our hands full, I think!