Henry and I are on the road again-- in the jogging stroller. For those who may be keeping track of us in the "Momma Miles" section, we were forced to take a little more time off lately than we would have liked. First, because it was too darn hot to bring Henry out for runs. Air quality reports kept stating the danger of having young kids outside, so we took a short break for that reason. And just as we were about to return to the track, we were sidelined by a little injury of sorts. Not a running-related injury, but a painful breastfeeding situation called a clogged milk duct. Sounds innocent enough, but I haven't experienced pain like that since the early days of nursing Henry. Oh, and then it rained for days on end. At least that was how it felt earlier this week. Happily, today was gorgeous, so we went out for a nice "long" run in the neighborhood. After taking Henry to the track for our runs thus far, this week I ran twice with him on the roads. It's a nice change from circling the track, but a wake-up call to just how challenging it can be to push a jogging stroller on terrain that is not pancake-flat. A 17-ish pound baby plus a heavy jogging stroller on even the slightest of inclines feels like quite a feat. I think I'll have quads of steel by the time fall rolls around if I keep running with Henry on the roads.
Later today, after a lovely, two-hour long walk with one of our mom/baby friends, Henry and I continued to relish the beautiful afternoon in our backyard. I took lots of photos of the cute little fella. He was very interested in the grass during this time in the yard. He's felt it before, but appears to find it more fascinating now that he's exploring everything more with his hands. Henry seemed a little perplexed, though, that he couldn't further explore by grabbing the grass and putting it in his mouth. He didn't quite realize that he'd need to tug harder to pull the grass out of the ground. Not to mention, he'd need to evade his momma's efforts to keep the grass out of his mouth.

1 comment:
His Dad is very happy he wasn't able to rip the grass out. :)
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