Sunday, July 20, 2008

Bye, bye, mad scientist

Anyone who has spent time around Henry knows he has some crazy hair. Or had some crazy hair, that is.

This morning, Brian busted out the hair trimmer and dispensed with Henry's long locks. No more jokes about his mad scientist look when the little wings stuck out from behind his ears. No more comparisons with Bozo the Clown (may he rest in peace). And, no more mullet comments. Yes, Henry had a mullet. But now that he reached the ripe old age of four-and-one-half months, Henry realized the look was out, and wanted an update.

Here are some before and after shots:

And see how happy he looks with his new makeover?

Henry's feeling cooler not only in terms of style, but also in terms of temperature. It's been pretty steamy here again the past few days. We escaped the heat like countless other parents and young children today, by going to the mall. We're not really mall-going people unless absolutely necessary, so Henry tends to be enthralled by all of the activity, sound, and lights when we do go shopping. He gazes around with a look of wonderment, but also with some concern, like he doesn't quite feel secure being in that environment. Yesterday was another day of wonderment for Henry, as he watched the big kids play at his cousin Evan's birthday party. It appeared to be a mutual feeling, as the four- to six-year olds also found Henry pretty interesting. And as for me and Brian, we got a glimpse into the fun we'll be having with Henry's future birthday parties. Being a March baby, he probably will never have a kiddie pool and slip 'n' slide at his birthday like Evan did, but I'm sure we'll find plenty of other ways to entertain the kiddos as we celebrate the years with Henry. It's hard to believe, but I'm sure it will seem like no time at all has passed before Henry's first birthday.

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