Just as Henry's transition to the world of crawling was paved with bumps and bruises, so to is his work-in-progress of learning to walk. Yesterday morning the little guy took a tumble and bit his lip on impact with the floor. It was our first bloody incident, and I'm proud to say that I was able to handle it without a major breakdown or fainting spell. I was mildly concerned about how I'd react the first time Henry wound up bleeding, since I have a strong aversion to blood and faint every time I give blood. Thankfully, Henry is healing nicely from this fall. In fact, the minor split to his lip complements the rug burn and small bruise that Henry acquired at Gymboree today. While exiting a slightly raised tunnel, Henry slipped a little and slid out headfirst the rest of the way. Both of these mobility-related accidents are in addition to a third blemish to dear Henry's handsome face. This poor child somehow also acquired a bacterial infection on his face. Last Friday it began as a small, circular mark that I initially questioned as a possible chicken pock (refer to previous post). I called the doctor to ask about the mark, and they reassured me that if it was chicken pox, he would have at least half a dozen more spots by the end of the day.
The end of the day came and went, with no more spots. I considered us lucky. No chicken pox. Fast forward a few days, and we were not feeling quite so lucky. The not-chicken-pox spot, was also not really of spot-like proportions any longer. The spot had grown. A lot. And it had taken on a swollen, tender-looking appearance. On Sunday, we into Henry's bedroom to wake him from his nap for his cousin's birthday party, and in an unusual turn of events, Henry remained asleep. We couldn't reisist taking a picture.

Since this picture was taken, Henry has made two trips to the doctor's office and begun a course of serious antibiotics. The swelling and redness have gone down significantly. This is a huge relief, especially because the doctor last night warned us that if the oral antibiotics didn't work, we'd be bound for the hospital and an IV drip. Today Henry's looking much better, as far as his infection is concerned. Now he just needs to work on healing his walking wounds. (photo below taken prior to incidents, accidents, and infections)
1 comment:
Nothing could take away from his cuteness. At least, you didn't give your son a black eye like me. Talk about guilt and tears (from Mommy and Evan)...
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