Or, a pocket full of coins, fuzz, tissues, leaves, and mysterious non entities that would still look tasty to a pincer-grasping nine-month old. I've realized lately that my pockets have become handy receptacles for anything and everything that I manage to spot on the floor before (or as) Henry spies these tasty treats. Because anything on the floor goes in his mouth. And when I say anything, I mean anything. It's frightening, really. Recent acquisitions included a bottle cap, a splinter-like piece of wood, and several maple seeds. We did succeed in retrieving all of these objects before Henry swallowed them. Though, it kind of makes me wonder what he has managed to swallow before we've descended upon him to scoop out the offending little goody.
Clearly, Henry's palate could use some refining. The positive part of this is that Henry's just as likely to happily consume edible items. He continues to be a great eater, and is trying many new foods on a regular basis. And we're not talking baby food here.
Here he is enjoying a swig of Worcestershire sauce that he grabbed from the cabinet.

It's not uncommon for Henry to refuse spoon feeding these days, and to whine insistently while staring at the food on my plate. So, the food on my plate usually makes its way to his tray in little pieces. The other night he tried the tamale pie I'd made for myself and Brian. I hadn't really intended to give Henry any, but he wouldn't settle for his vegetable puree, so he wound up with some chunks of avocado, black beans, ground beef and tomatoes. I can't say I blame him. I'd take the tamale pie over pureed veggies, too. Once he gets the good stuff, Henry's a little chow hound and gobbles the food from my plate faster than I can transfer it to him. It makes me happy to see how he enjoys spicy, full-flavored food. Especially when he gives me a round of applause for the meal. There's nothing better than his cute smiling and clapping from the high chair as he eats.
Henry has also recent discovered how to show his "appreciation" for food by throwing it around. He and I both find his ability to toss the cheerios pretty amusing. That is, until I have to pick up a bowl's worth of cheerios from the floor. Or bananas. Or any other finger food that he manages to throw.
This weekend was packed with holiday activities for us. Including a visit with Santa at our church. Henry checked him out very carefully.

Here's Henry getting ready to make his special holiday deliveries.

And oh yes, Henry now has four, count 'em, four teeth! The top two came in last week. He's getting to be such a big boy now!
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