Definite developments:
1) Tooth count=2
2) Lots of new word-like sounds, mama, dada, baba, etc
3) Climbing the stairs
4) Walking while holding onto his Radio Flyer wagon
5) Clapping (see below)
6) More new foods, more self-feeding, more using the sippy cup
7) Starting the "dropping game." You know, the one where the kid drops his toy from his high chair the moment you pick it up and put it back on the tray. Good times!
8) Using the cell phone. Really. About two minutes after I took the photo below Henry somehow managed to dial Brian's number. I have no idea how he did this, considering Brian's number is not on speed-dial. This means Henry would've needed to access the phone book feature and press call after selecting Brian's number. Strange, but true.
And then there are the maybe-I'm-just-imagining-this, I-am-his-momma-after all Developments:
1) Giving kisses. Okay, so this is every new mother's dream come true, so it could be possible that I'm imagining it. But my mom swears he did it, too! And she's a fair judge, right? Regardless, I've had a few moments of Henry's open-mouthed slobbery little love on my cheek that sure seemed like his approximation of a kiss. I look forward to more drool love.
2) Signing. I swear he did the sign for milk the other day when I said aloud "Okay, it's time to put the milk away now." (Yes, I narrate my entire day for the child.) I've also seen him staring at his hands as he moves his fingers in the sign for milk, but he hasn't done it in context yet.
In other time-flies news, the g-unit enjoyed a trip to my alma mater for Homecoming this weekend. It's hard to believe that I graduated seven years ago. Even harder to believe: on this return-trip there were three babies in tow within our group of friends! Talk about surreal. Naturally, taking a picture with the three babies and their parents looking at the camera was pretty much impossible. But I couldn't resist posting one since the three babes in their Williams sweatshirts were just too adorable.
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