Henry's been working on his social skills with the buddies he's known since being just a few weeks old. It would be an understatement to say that these skills could use a little refining. Here's what Henry knows about being a good friend:
1) Friends share common interests. We're working on the sharing part. In Henry's world this means: "Oh, you like that toy? I like it too. I want it now! Can I have it now? No, you want it too? Sorry, buddy, but it's mine!" And then Henry swipes another toy out of his friend's grasp.
2) Friends lean on one another during good times and bad. Henry's meaning: "Hey, you look sturdy. Maybe I can stand up using you to push off of. I mean, you're just sitting there and all, make yourself useful." Henry's poor friends aren't quite as sturdy as he might think. Then again, neither are many of the things he tries to use for standing leverage.
3) A good friend let's you know when you're having a bad hair day. Henry's technique for this is pretty straightforward. Approach your friend like you just want to say hi. Then reach out, grab some locks, and hang on for dear life.
Henry's friends are pretty patient little fellas. Or maybe just less mobile. Play dates continue to become more and more interesting, and fun, as the kids get bigger. It's already hard to believe that they can at least engage in some parallel play when they're around one another. As it happens, play dates are now for actual playing--not just for the still important mommy socializing time!
Embracing his spiky hair to the fullest during a little post-lunch photo session. Henry's styling product of choice today: applesauce.
1 comment:
Four years into motherhood and I'm still not sure about the ettiquette for picking up new mommy friends.
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