Already? Yes, already. Henry was a little off in the sleep department the past few nights, and last night we undeniably broke the rules in our responses to him. In fact, we broke the rules in a way we haven't done in about five and a half months. We brought him in bed with us. This is almost as surprising as our decision to Ferberize in the first place. But, our desperate measures appear to have succeeded in helping Henry's aunt and uncle, our first sleep over guests, sleep relatively well. Either that or they lied to us and they were up all night like we were. Jess and Tim, if you did lie, thanks; I'd rather believe that you slept well. Regardless, Henry's experienced a little sleep regression, but tonight it's back to tough love. No co-sleeping for the g-unit this evening. I think we'll all be happier that way.
Jess and Tim needed their sleep before their big walk today. And when I say big, I mean big. Marathon big. They walked the full route of the Boston Marathon as part of the Jimmy Fund Boston Marathon walk. And they weren't alone. They were joined by my brother and his girlfriend, as well as countless others who took part in the event. Having run two marathons myself, I absolutely can't imagine the pain involved in walking 26.2 miles. However, they did a fabulous job and I hope they're resting comfortably now. Brian, Henry, my parents and I joined the intrepid four, three miles from the finish. It was a lovely day for the walk. Henry was a trooper during his first trip to the big city. He rode the subway for the first time, people-watched during the walk, and was otherwise happy all day. After the walk he showed off his new skills to his Nonnie and Pops (my parents). Henry was so sad to see them go, he kept looking for them after they left our house. Even his dinner of fruity chicken puree could not deter Henry from looking longingly at the back door.
Here we are before a donut and coffee run Saturday morning. Mmmmm.
1 comment:
Thanks to the whole G-Unit for sharing my special day. Nonnie had withdrawal all the way home too! It was a great visit .... can't wait till the next one - Pops
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