Henry's got control issues.
Here he is, taking over control of the TV remote (in his right hand) while Brian and he discuss the merits of Baby Einstein versus Mythbusters. As usual, Henry won.

In all seriousness, it is amazing how the presence of a baby in the house turns all efforts of control or planning topsy turvy. We now fit everything in our lives around Henry's schedule, moods, and behaviors, where before we both enjoyed some control over day-to-day realities such as eating dinner and having a complete conversation with one another.

In an effort to lull Henry into submission and bend him to our ways with sleepiness, we have invested in a swing. This decision followed a particularly difficult Tuesday night, where no one in the house appeared to have control over Henry's ability to sleep (including Henry himself). So far he seems to like it--even allowing me to finish this blog entry (started 5 hours earlier) and eat lunch.
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